FG.CsvParser: A Powerful .NET Library for Working with CSV Files

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For developers, working with CSV files is a routine activity. A.NET Standard 2.1 library called FG.CsvParser was created to simplify and expedite the reading, writing, and querying of CSV files. The ideal solution for managing your CSV-related duties is FG.CsvParser because of its broad customizable options and versatile API.

Key Features of FG.CsvParser

  • Read CSV Files: Convert CSV content into JSON or a list of strongly typed objects.
  • Write CSV Files: Easily write CSV content for files or append to existing ones.
  • Highly Configurable: Adjust parsing options such as delimiters, row splitters, and encoding to suit your needs.
  • Query CSV Data: Use custom filters to query CSV content efficiently.


To start using FG.CsvParser, you can add it to your project via NuGet:

dotnet add package FG.CsvParser

Getting Started with FG.CsvParser

Creating a CsvParser Instance

FG.CsvParser allows you to create a parser instance in multiple ways. Here are some examples:

Open a CSV File with Default Settings

var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/file.csv");

Open a CSV File with a Header Row

var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/file.csv", hasHeader: true);

Open a CSV File with Custom Configuration

var configuration = new CsvParserConfiguration
    HasHeader = true,
    Delimitter = ',',
    RowSplitter = "\n",
    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/file.csv", configuration);

Reading CSV Content

Convert CSV Content to JSON

using var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/csvfile.csv", new CsvParserConfiguration
    HasHeader = true,
    Delimitter = ',',
    RowSplitter = "\r\n",
    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8

string? jsonContent = await parser.ReadAsJson();

Convert CSV Content to a List of Objects

using var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/csvfile.csv", new CsvParserConfiguration
    HasHeader = true,
    Delimitter = ',',
    RowSplitter = "\r\n",
    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8

List<MyDataClass> dataList = await parser.ReadAs<MyDataClass>();
foreach (var data in dataList)

public class MyDataClass
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [CsvColumn("Home address")]
    public string HomeAddress { get; set; }

Writing CSV Content

Write CSV Content as a String

using var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/file.csv", new CsvParserConfiguration
    HasHeader = true,
    Delimitter = ',',
    RowSplitter = "\r\n",
    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8

string csvContent = "Column1,Column2\nValue1,Value2\nValue3,Value4";
await parser.WriteAsync(csvContent, append: false);
Console.WriteLine("CSV content written to file.");

Write a List of Objects to CSV

var dataList = new List<MyDataClass>
    new MyDataClass { Column1 = "Value1", Column2 = 1 },
    new MyDataClass { Column1 = "Value2", Column2 = 2 }

await parser.WriteAsync(dataList, append: false);
Console.WriteLine("List of objects written to CSV file.");

Querying CSV Content

You can query CSV data using custom filters to extract only the information you need.

using var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/csvfile.csv", new CsvParserConfiguration
    HasHeader = true,
    Delimitter = ',',
    RowSplitter = "\r\n",
    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8

await foreach (var item in parser.Query<MyDataClass>(data => data.Column2 > 100))

Configuration Options

The CsvParserConfiguration class provides extensive configuration options to customize your CSV parsing experience:

var configuration = new CsvParserConfiguration
    HasHeader = true,
    Delimitter = ';',
    RowSplitter = "\n",
    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8

using var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/file.csv", configuration);

Why Choose FG.CsvParser?

FG.CsvParser simplifies working with CSV files by providing a clean and intuitive API. Whether you need to process CSV files for small tasks or large-scale applications, FG.CsvParser offers the tools and flexibility required to handle your data efficiently.

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